Telling life long friends

Telling life long friends

Been Sober since 1/1/21 and just told my best friend (we live 5 hours away and busy with our families and dudes don’t talk often) And got the dreaded response- why don’t you just drink in moderation? Thanks to the sober community I was not surprised of his response. I read post and learn from others and I have learned so much about my self on this journey. He thinks I am loosing out by not drinking and I should try to use in moderation not to miss out but the truth is I have gained so much clarity and joy in abundance not moderation-ha. In the end he said he is proud of me and supports me 100%. Bottom line, we need each other because those not on the same journey do not fully understand.

Peace and love


Hi Joseph. I'm glad you found support in this community. You should be proud of yourself for standing your ground. Keep up the great work.

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Wow Joseph :clap: you are absolutely right the sober community has to have your back and dose. So proud of you to be your true self. You are inspiring Joseph thank :blush:you.