Tell me about your AA meeting. Structure. Rules. What works

Tell me about your AA meetings. Structure. Rules. Free flow talking. Vaping during meeting. Side conversations. I feel my first meeting wasn’t the way they usually are. What works for you?

Get there 15 minutes early. Chat with people you know. Introduce yourself to people you don’t. Make any newcomers feel safe and welcome.
At start time host leads serenity prayer, goes over the meeting outline (open, closed, COVID-19 rules, step or literature, etc).

Then someone reads How It Works and someone else reads 12 traditions.

Then we welcome newcomers and people from other groups. Then birthdays. Then introduce yourself and if you wish give your sobriety date. Most everyone does. Then the host shares on the step we are studying or reads from the book we are reading and people share experience strength and hope. At the end we pass the basket and say another prayer. Then help clean up and chat some more. Maybe go out together somewhere after. Maybe chat with sponsor. Stuff like that.

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You'll find meetings that work for you, trust me I went to alot all over my county. Found a great group that I love! Made that my home group!

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Thank you for your detailed reply!!!

You’re welcome. Also, no vaping or smoking during meetings but people do light up right after.

We are pretty strict on cross talk, meaning you share about yourself, not a response to someone else’s share. Some meetings go completely off script if a person is having a really hard time, or a really great time. I’ve seen meetings where 1 person talks for 30 minutes (generally after a relapse or family problem). You never know exactly what you’re going to get. My group is called acceptance and that’s exactly what you get. We are aa but we have people who primarily used drug in our home group. We don’t time responses or keep people on topic (unless it’s inappropriate, which has happened). It’s not very religious (Christian) though we do have several members who refer to god and Jesus in the context of Christianity. It truly is a fellowship of individuals who have accomplished together what they couldn’t accomplish alone.

My first meeting tonight (I have 35 days) was a 180 from what you described. I’ll keep seeking.

The meeting I went to is called “Big Book Badassery”

Hmm, there are meetings around me that are more hardcore/strict/self righteous but I enjoy my mellow little group We do zooms on Thursday snd Sunday but I’ve honestly never logged in for those. I like the feeling of connection I get at the live meetings.

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