Tapering at this point. A week left

Tapering at this point. Just a few days until I'm at zero per day. Feeling like I'm on the right path, I'm excited about enjoying the benefits of being sober. Last time I did it was 22 years ago. At the time, in college, I had the best grades and was in amazing shape.

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Hope you find that approach to be an effective one.

Thanks. I've tried cold turkey a few times with bad side effects. I am only trying tappering as an attempt at something different. This is all in conjunction with having friends aware of my goals.

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What do you consider tapering as in amounts starting with and how long?

This isn't scientifically proven, but if you are in control of yourself enough where you have say >50% of the day with a 0% bac. Take your average per day over the past month. Have that on the first day tapering, and then have one less each sequential day afterwards. So,if joe had been having a steady 5 drinks a day with 8 on fri and sat, he'd start at 6 and everyday or every other day, would drink one less.

I guess I'll let everyone know how things go in a week or so with me

Man thanks for your posting. I am always amazed by newcomers stories. After reading your post I went and read the doctors opinion about the allergy we have. Why we liked alcohol and the phenomenon of craving that takes place once I begin drinking. If I don't drink I can't get drunk! Grateful for another 24...


I am a firm believer that there are many paths to recovery and the harm reduction technique is one that is truly beneficial to those who have been using for a long time or using real heavily but I do recommend doing it under the goddess of someone who is a trained professional and doing this best of luck to you I believe in you much love and respect

I'm on the same page. I have people aware of what Im doing. I'm also working towards replacing each drink I might have had with a positive activity. So I have made a bunch of short movies of images I associate happy experiences in life that didn't involve alcohol. So, i will watch more of these videos everyday the less I drink. And while I will try to make this a conscious decision making initiative, I will let the sub-conscious conditional reward of watching more motivational movies the less I drink drive me.

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Awesome and very creative way to detox I like that something that I may be implemented in the the techniques that I use to help people with thank you so very much and please keep me up-to-date and informed this to your progress and if there's anything that I could do for you

I read the book, "the power of habit." While the chemical set up of my brain makes me more likely to become depressed if I drink again (even though there is a chemical positive reaction), using the basics of action and reaction, if I determine what the trigger is for me wanting to drink, then I can make sure I have a counter action to follow up after that trigger, and if that follow-up to the trigger before drinking is positive then maybe that side of me that is depressed about drinking well choose to just focus on the positive option