Taking responsibility for my own life is very painful for

Taking responsibility for my own life is very painful for me. But I understand I must to grow. Day 5 of sobriety from hard substances and alcohol. I am at war with myself not to drink right now. I just want a sip of that cold liquid to erupt relief all over my mind and body .
Day 1 of realizing the full extent of the destruction substance abuse and bipolar episodes has had on my life. I've cut almost everyone out of my life and tomorrow I'm cutting off more. I feel so alone and so incredibly tired. I wish I knew where to send my prayers to ask for strength and dominance over my cravings . I believe I am worth fighting for a happier life

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You are worth fighting for. God has always wanted you to seek his help and help is only the beginning :pray: I am going to be doing for you. I am 21 months sober from a 25 year battle

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You are worth fighting for and you are fighting the biggest and most important bout of your life. Hang in there and sending some :pray: your way!

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I am inspired by your honesty about detoxing and the pain of whithdraw.im taking the leap of faith and putting god into my action plan of my daily practice.im waiting for a bed so I can find releaf from this deadly disease.i pray for your recovery to be a releaf just for today


We all are worth it; my son was in your spot, it took him awhile and medical help, but he did a 180 and has so much going for him now. Working daily, a nice GF he just moved in with and a sober life. He also just graduated college with honors at 30; it’s never to late. Keep your eyes on the prize and your thoughts on how much happier you will be to control your life, not having it control you.

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You are worth fighting for a happier life without substances. Everyone is. It's very lonely at first but for years er surrounded ourselves with people who are okay with our behaviors at that time. When we get clean it's unreal to see the actuality of our surroundings. It's lonely but worth it


Hoping you the best!

Happiness is always worthwhile.
Change is for the better.