Taking Care of Others

Part of sobriety is being of service to others? What is something you plan to do this week to be of service to others?

My neighbor needs to a hair treatment done. She's not sure how to do it and needs my help. It makes me feel good that she trusts me.

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Go to meetings, benefits myself and helps others! Win/win

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I love this. Serving others while practicing self-care is a win-win. Good idea.

Love that you make time to be of service to others, Amanda! Every Friday, I lead a recovery meeting. That is one of my favorite ways of doing service.

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That is great Allie. You're a well-rounded individual and people need that. You care deeply and we definitely need a lot of love in our world.

Step 12 keep me going

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How so?

It's my pleasure [in my Chick-fil-A voice]. :blush::grin:

Volunteering at Paz de Cristo this Wednesday cooking and feeding the homeless and hungry.