Struggling :(

really struggling today.

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You got this! Take it hour by hour, focus on all the positive changes in your life

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thank you, i appreciate it. i just can’t even express what i’m going through right now

What's up

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Not sure what’s going on specifically but some days are always more challenging than others in recovery. I find it helpful to have a playbook of things that help cool me down. Make the time to do a zoom meeting. Take a walk in nature or listen to some music while meditating. Whatever floats your boat.

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thank you so much for all your advice. i really appreciate it! just been a very rough night since last night. i was going to make a mistake & thankfully i didn’t but am still facing consequences & struggling

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i’m really thankful for this app today! it’s really helping me

Get through this minute, then the next one and the next... you get what I’m saying.. just for today. Tomorrow is a brand new day and the slate is wiped clean. It will be ok. And it’s ok to not be ok!!!

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joey, thank you so much. that really helped me just reading that. so many things have been thrown my way since last night. i almost made a mistake of picking up & now everything seems to be going wrong. trying to handle everything that’s been thrown my way today. still pushing through & not giving up

Sorry you’re going through something really hard. You can do this. Just remember you are a surviver and you will get through this on the other side even stronger.


thank you so much amber. that means a lot! i really needed this today & am so thankful for this app. it’s been a crazy 16 hours but i’m not giving up

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Do anything you like doing to take your mind off it

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Hi, Sami. Struggles are part of life. You can learn something from this. Struggles can prepare us for the next season if we let them.

You will get through today. It's only a 24 hour period. Remind yourself of that each day.

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absolutely! trying to stay busy today

thank you so much amanda, i’m trying :frowning: it’s just hard when i keep making mistakes & people are starting to lose faith & hope for me. especially letting others down & hurting them. i feel like i learn from each struggle but this one has been very hard since last night

Respect and gratitude for sharing your struggle today Sami. We've all had those days where the only thing to do is try and remind yourself you are human, you are cared for, and that you are worth holding on to see a better day tomorrow. You are awesome!

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that literally made my day, thank you so much josh! you guys have helped so much, i am so grateful! i am going to a fellowship dinner now & then meeting!

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