Struggling with Sobriety

In August my husband physically assaulted me, I’ve filed for divorce but lost temporary custody of my son when his father found out. My car broke down and I was couch surfing. I have so many health issues so my husband was the only income I had…I still can’t get a job because of COVID-19. Last week my husband tried reaching out and I got very depressed, ended up in the hospital and lost my 2 months of sobriety. I’m having a hard time with self control especially without my son. Any tips or help would be appreciated. I’ve never gone to AA in town because I’m nervous to run into people I know.


Hey!! Hope your doing well. The beginning is a challenge and working through some things takes time. The meetings are really helpful, finding a few sober friends to talk to when needed, and a sponsor to work the program with. Things will get easier and better, but we work it one day at a time. Can't focus on the past, can't worry about the future, just one day. In time everything will come together for you!


Try AA on Zoom in different area. Use the resources on this app to find virtual meetings and things that keep you in touch with support but are distanced from your personal issues.


Just take this time to work on you…it will benefit you later..if you ever just need someone to talk too.just message me.

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Stay strong Ashley! praying for you

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Ashley so glad you found this app & got really vulnerable. That’s the first step. I understand it may give you anxiety to go to a meeting and see people you know but those people you know felt the same way and probably everyone else in the room. Came in feeling awkward left feeling better I promise you. It’ll be a good choice. Or like what was suggested join a zoom meeting even in your area with your camera off. You can see everyone in the meeting and then decide if you feel comfortable.

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Zoom to a meeting in another area. You WILL find support. You're in my prayers.

Find the right people in AA ot NA.

Question the father who had custody is he the one who assaulted you?