Struggling with being alone, my thoughts go to drinking to

Struggling with being alone, my thoughts go to drinking to fill the void, an escape, get me out of my own head. The quiet is too much.


I know the quietness. The devils workshop is there. Have to occupy your mind with something. Listen to music, read, talk to likeminded fuck ups. Remember you’re not alone in this.

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I understand what you’re going through. My alcoholic mind will tell me I don’t need anyone so I drive people away and stay at home by myself. Next my brain has the thoughts of resentments because no one cares about me. If they cared they’d check on me, text or call me. Next drinking out of spite, self pity, anger. Anyways, just saying I understand

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Put yourself in uncomfortable situations, such as meetings and around other people in sobriety. Make uncomfortable phone calls, and put yourself out there. Networking is a big role in recovery, and it’s helped me thus far. May God be with you Kaylin!