Struggling to keep going

I am an arborist by trade, and for the last few weeks I've been laid off. It is so hard not to go back into old habits when for so long down time meant drinking time. I'd go out but it's been too cold and now it is just soggy.

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Down time sucks man but you got this. Get to a meeting and get connected. Find something to do.

I’m sorry you’re struggling. I think the tree business definitely hurts this time of year. Spring is coming and business will be booming, right?

Seltzer water is a good replacement for urges.

Remember to take it 1 day at a time.

Thanks guys.

I got a gym membership and go to meetings to fill the idle time. Trying to replace healthy habits for drinking when bored. Remember: “if you drink when your bored, you will just be drunk and bored”

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That's a good way to put it Danny.

How are you feeling Aaron?

I conpletely get what you’re saying. Idle hands are dangerous for ppl who have addiction issues... it’s tough to get started but important to try and keep yourself busy doing things that make you feel happy and productive