Struggling so much. When does it end. I do t

Struggling so much. When does it end. I dont mean life but the struggling to stay sober. I want it so bad. But I keep relapsing and I’m exhausted.


Sorry to hear your struggle. When I first got sober it was difficult to fill that habit of picking up a drink and changing my routine. I became laser focused on healthy habits to avoid the triggers. I hope this helps. I live one day at a time with my sobriety🙏

Try finding little “dumb” things to keep you occupied: Clean out a drawer, watch a movie, grab coffee with a friend.

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It does get easier, but in the sense of after experience a long jog get easier. Use each relapse as a lesson and build on it. You can do it.

It gets easier like Steven said. One day at a time.

I am a man of 65 was sober for 27 years I fell of the wagon 3 years ago I am letting you know it can be done no matter the struggle no matter the tradgy you can do it call me or text me anytime

One minute at a time if that's what you can handle. Pray for strength, read the big book, walk, clean, cook or bake. Stay occupied with stuff not associated with your old drinking habits. I'm here if you need me

It gets easier the longer you go. Find a lady support group. Pray and talk to people Chat on hear as much as you can. What happens is the things that made us drink are still there. Ya don’t need to numb yourself with alcohol. Things do get better. Best of luck. Stay in touch please

When I’m restless and want to drink I jump on that bike behind me in my profile pic and ride my ass off!. :+1:t5::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

It does get easier! Keep the faith, and don’t give up! Nothing easy with recovery, but the rewards are endless

I hear you and support you. You are not alone.

It's a matter of getting some weeks sober in order to get the compulsion out of the system.