Struggling right now

Going to pick up some Mexican food. The urge to drink is pretty strong at this point. :cold_sweat:


Just hang in there!! The urge will pass soon.


Maybe I will just get extra queso :sweat_smile:


Don't forget the guac!!!

Did the queso take care of the urges? :rofl:

Yes it did! Hahaha. I "played the tape forward" in my head over and over again while we picked up the order and then downed a bunch of food. :sweat_smile:


Instant gratification. Its what us addicts need. Just don't let the queso become your crutch. :rofl::rofl:

I actually might be okay with that... :thinking: lol

I went down that rabbit hole with Girl Scout cookies. Hard to come back. :rofl: :rofl:

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Ooh that would be dangerous for sure!

Almost gained back the weight i lost from quitting the drinking. Haha

The urge to drink can definitely be hard to deal with. Glad to hear the queso helped!

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Its a calling ,if you put some time in make meetings, you'll find a new calling

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Drinking only ever makes things worse, talk to someone

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I think you mind is adjusting to a change in dopamine levels. I went through the same.. I found that eating a food platter, listening to music, taking a nap and listening to personal development books and recovery elevator podcasts really helped.


You made better choices. Queso and guacamole are delicious. What do you typically order from Mexican restaurants? I love carne asada and ceviche. :yum:

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Thanks for sharing!!! I will certainly try to keep this in mind next time

Those are my favs too!! Also love some fish tacos :drooling_face:

That's really fucking creepy Brent. Kindly go guard someone else :raising_hand_woman:

Just hang in there and work the steps. It really helps