Struggling hard in this moment . is sobriety really worth

Struggling hard in this moment . is sobriety really worth it? Or is it something that is used to control us; something used to manipulate us? No, it is a good thing. I will hold onto that belief above all else.

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Yes, sobriety is a good thing. Not only is sobriety great for our health, it helps us find true happiness and who we truly are.


who was in control when you were using? was it the “you” that you want to be?


It is totally worth it and so are you! If you need to reach out for help. I'm here if you need someone to listen. You are stronger than you realize


It's definitely worth it. What's really trying to control you is your addiction. Look how you feel right now, you're a slave to it. Recovery is actual freedom.

The hard part is getting over the initial hump of psychological and physical dependency. For that, I needed inpatient treatment. Is that something you've ever considered, or think might be helpful?

Just remember this is the hardest part for you, right here and now. It's not fair that the beginning is the hardest but that's reality.


Sobriety is hands down the best thing that ever happened to me. When I wasn't sober my bipolar disorder was out of whack, I was in and out of the hospital, and I couldn't keep a job. I was getting arrested and almost died.

When I got sober a little over 7 years ago, it was hard at first but eventually I felt so good I started doing things that I loved. I went back to school and got my bachelor's degree. I started a job as a teacher's aide which then led to my career in behavior analysis. I'm doing a master's degree program now. I've had the same boyfriend for six years and my bipolar disorder is stable.

I went from being hospitalized in mental institutions and receiving disability benefits to working full-time and doing a master's degree program in the evenings.

Sobriety is 100% worth it.


Sobriety is 100% worth it. My addiction controlled me, now I control myself and my actions just as you do. Please reach out to people in your sober support network. reach out to any of these women. Talk to people, please. you’re worth it.


:100: worth it. I'm staring to come around to feeling better .. I felt like a complete mess the last few weeks and really questioned it too. Like I felt WORSE I thought but luckily I kept talking here and was reassured that others knew exactly what I was describing and to hang in there and that it does get better! So def please hang in there. Keep talking. We're all here for you.


Hey Joclyn, I answered the "Is it worth it?" question for someone else yesterday and my response to them might be helpful for you too.

I would say that it depends on your values.

What's most important to you? And how would your life be different if you achieved/improved those things?

As you can see in the other comments, people value different things (peace of mind, self-esteem, career, money, education, health, and friendships). These values are common, but what's most important to you may be different than what's most important them.

So, I recommend clarifying what's most important to you, deciding who you want to become, and discovering the systems and processes that work best for you to accomplish those things.

Based on my experience, I would have to say that living in alignment with my values, becoming who I want to be, doing what I want to do, and having what I want to have, was definitely worth it. I've never been more peaceful, joyful, and fulfilled. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Try for 30 days and if you hate it go back to drinking.

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I have been sober 31 years and I don’t regret one day sober. Life isn’t perfect and I made mistake but I was sober and working to stay that way a day at time.

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Totally! Every day gets better and better. Im up to 2 years and still, life gets easier with each day. I remember the struggles but looking back, if I knew how great everything would be after quitting, I would have quit way earlier. Ffriend me if you'd like to talk outside the group. Hang in there.

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