Struggling at 2.5 years. I am always working and behind

Struggling at 2.5 years. I am always so busy and want a break. working 3 jobs, behind on schoolwork, this is my last semester before I graduate with my masters but I want to self sabotage. Sometimes my disease tells me that I really miss not trying so hard and the feeling of giving up feels so desirable to me now. I logically know using will only fuck ho my life but a part of me doesn’t really care. Hoping this makes sense to some of you. I also just am sick of the people at the meetings around me. I need a new sponsor and I am moving to FL in 2 months. Looking forward to meeting new support down there. Love this app so dae


'Morning, Danielle.

It definitely sounds like you have too much on your plate; and you're being triggered. Do you have to work 3 jobs?

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I can relate. I'm sick of the people at my homegroup. As they say in the program, I don't like everyone but I love everyone. But right now I want to choke half the group. But my program has given me the tools to not do it. Lol. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Ty unfortunately right now I do need all the jobs since my work salary was cut. It’s manageable , I have just had so much stress.


I have to remember that my sobriety is the common denominator in all other areas of my life. Don't give up. Give back to someone your experience, strength, and hope and see how it changes the other pressures in your life. Best wishes!