
Overwhelmed with finances. I have accumulated debt I cannot keep up with.

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I’ve been there before. My money pit looked like bottomless. It will take sometime but it wasn’t as bad as I thought looking back.

Crystal, can you apply for a loan or credit card to consolidate your debt as long as the new loan or credit card is less interest?

same I got hit with a 10,000 bill from treatment few months back I was like dam they gonna have to Wait for that

Samsies. Not gonna be a good ending to all of this imo

Finances are soooo stressful. I had to declare bankruptcy after I had breast cancer. That sucked so much. But I couldn’t work for two months and then part time before I could get back full time. It’s so sad medical treatment is so expensive. It was around $150,000 before it was over. Crazy!

Hang in there Crystal. Any way you can get some financial aid?

First, Just stop and breathe. Pray for direction and then sit down and write out everything you have coming in and going out and come up with a plan. A realistic plan. most creditors will work with you if you contact them directly and explain the situation even if they have to wait a bit they are happy to get something owed to them if not in full. 10% of something is better then 100% of nothing as they say!