Stress man 🙄

So, I haven't touched pills in 4 almost 5 years. And I've been clean from coke for 6 month. I just recently started school again and I seem to be struggling more lately. I usually don't even think about it but it's been on my mind a lot lately. I got clean on my own and my only support is my sister, but I feel bad when I tell her I'm struggling. She's the one who got me clean the first time. I just don't want to disappoint anyone. I'm thinking about going back to therapy and trying to find some extra support systems because I refuse to let myself fall again.


A support group is a big help. It's a lot to ask from one person.

Do what ever it takes to stay sober. It seams like you have came a long way to fall of now. If your sister helped you get clean im sure she Would understand if you talked to her.