Still struggling with sobriety, been clean 11 years

Still struggling with sobriety, been clean 11 years but feeling a lot of cravings lately and been around a lot of active users. I tried to go to an NA meeting last night but I just couldn’t pay attention enough to stay the whole time. Any advice?

Hi, Meghan. You are not alone in how you feel.

The best thing for you is to stop being around active users. It's one thing if you were having the impact. But it sounds like you're being influenced. You can love them. When you're strong in your sobriety you can help them.

You have 11 years strong. Do not go backwards. This isn't an option.

I'm not sure of alternatives to NA. Try a different meeting. Stay the entire time. Ask for a sponsor.


I agree that not being around active users is for sure the best thing you can do.

Also trying different meetings - there are definitely some I vibe with more than others. Maybe go a little early or stick around a bit afterward, having some one-on-one conversations can help you feel more connected.

Another thing that helps me a lot is excercise. Even just going for a short walk can get me out of my head; it's a change of environment and some fresh air. I started going to Zumba classes at a gym, which in addition to being fun and endorphin-generating has a social benefit! Being around people who are interested in a healthy lifestyle.

Best wishes.

Thank you so much this really helps I think you guys are right

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I hope today is better today than yesterday