Stick a fork in, I'M DONE!

I'm done with this telework situation. It naws at me because I miss the "human connection" with coworkers, friends, family (personal & recovery). What do you think?

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Hi James! I get it. I think most of us miss human interaction. Not just with those we know but even with strangers. It's like we can't say hi to each other since COVID-19. :cry:

I get it James ... I try to seek connection in any way possible . AA meetings , church , sports outdoors etc ... I think things will get back to normal soon .

COVID-19 is just the latest, though most successful, emergency to strip people of their essential liberties. Now that people are getting tired of it, what is next? Sun Tsu said divide and conquer, they have to keep us divided in the groups of the individual to push their agenda. I know, conspiracy theories, but watch for what is done behind the smoke. Old tactics still work.


568,000 Americans have died due to Covid. Not a conspiracy theory, dude.

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I think we should count our blessings ! Telecast or zoom is a gift that keeps giving , could u imagine what you would be like without it ? It gives us an opportunity to meet people from all over the world that suffer from addiction ! Patience is needed , our character defects , try to throw us off ! Attitude is in our control ! It’s ok to have an opinion about something ! In the long run we will look back on our experience and thank our higher power got the gift we have been given ! Thank you for letting me share my experience Strength and hope ! Cheers

How many have committed suicide due to isolation? My mother and grandson are 2. I also know 2 more that killed themselves because of the isolationism. I have not known anyone who has died of the disease. I am not trying to make light of COVID, but the overall death rate has not changed over the last 10 years. Something doesn't pass the smell test.


Me and a few guys went underground when this whole covid thing happened until meetings started opening up again. Where I live you can hit an in person meeting 7 days a week. Stay connected, stay calm, and another happy 24 to you!

Thanks Rob​:call_me_hand::+1:


Tell me about it

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