Staying Sober πŸ”‘

What would you say are the top 3 keys to staying sober?

I pray, stay close to my AA program, and I have personal goals I am working on, which keeps me busy and gives me a sense of purpose. I don't know if that's the best way or not, but it's kept me sober for almost 18 months so I'll keep trying it one day at a time.

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Think of a hangover. For me, I have so much that my life asks of me everyday I can’t imagine functioning hungover.

To be able to get honest with yourself, open to new ideas, and a willingness to learn!


Truly accepting and recognizing you are changing your life. It's your conscious decision every day and you solely are responsible for your sobriety. Honesty, Patience and Gratitude.

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Be Truth to yourself, seek guidance, and Love yourself

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Stay involved, intouch and remember last drunk ( how you felt)

Natural support system, which you can give and receive support. Not just formal support which is one way. Being balance having your basic needs, emotional, spiritual and social... you have more then just one way to deal with the disease of addiction.

Having a strong support network, sobriety tool box, and realizing you cannot even try to open that door. If you do the addictive mind will kick it wide open. If you are not working on your sobriety you are working on your relapse. Its all about relapse prevention

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Trust God
Clean house
Help others
Dr Bob's words right there!

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Trust god, clean house, help others

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God (Higher power), service work and a sober network or community.

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Willingness, commitment and the 12 steps

Trust and lean on God, continuous prayer, and leaning on God. I rarely had anyone to assist & support throughout life, so I lean on God.

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I love how many of us lean on God. I do this in all areas. I love that many of us have something else in common.

I don't think I've heard the term "sobriety tool box" before. Sounds like a cool concept. What's in your sobriety tool box?

Connection with like minded. This is incredibly important. Form a new tribe.
β€œthe opposite of addiction is not sobriety, it’s connection.” -Johann Hari
Believing you are worthy of a better life.
Routine: sleep, eating,...
Write!!!! -journal: get that shit somewhere other than your head, doesn’t matter how trivial or repetitive
-write the routine for next day: again doesnt matter how trivial. Mark off at end of the day, do it again.

i know that’s 4+, but fuck it. After more than a decade stumbling with day ones, at 226 days.

Acceptance acceptance acceptance