Stay aware of the honeymoon period or pink cloud

I often felt great after getting sober for a week or two then receding back into a depression and subsequent alcohol addiction. Has anyone else struggled with this unique period of time and feeling?


Well put. Seriously a good heads up for folks.


This is a great question and a way to get us to connect with others.

Thanks Steven!

Thanks Amanda! Did you ever experience this?

Depression hasn't really been a major part of my personal life. So I can't entirely relate to this. I'm sorry.

Growing I saw how terrible my mom suffered from depression and I didn't want that in my life.

But I can speak for my dad. For awhile things seemed to improve. He didn't drink as much for several years. Then, he became bored with life and was depressed. Then, he started drinking heavier. Unfortunately, it caught up with him and he died drunk.

The worst day of my life. July 16, 2011.

Thissssssss tho I felt so good about myself then all the sudden it happens again