Starts suboxone treatment on thursday but i can’t see to

starts suboxone treatment on thursday but i can’t see to keep with it!!!! everyday around 1-2 i end up caving and buying pills. i don’t feel bad but mentally i can’t get over not having it!!! help

If u know its gonna happen then u can use tools to fight off the craving... And just so u know u may not think u feel bad but every addict I have ever come across has stinkin thinkin, weather its subconscious or ur readily aware of it. Its just the world we live in, our society is hard wired for u it unfortunately. I have been on suboxone a few times but the difference in my recovery this time is I have the tools to help my mental state. Another big thing for me is forgiveness, not only with others but also with myself. Forgiveness allows us to be free and happy and grateful, not having to think about all the damage ive caused or me feeling like a victim all the time.

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If you need to talk i am here, you can overcome this.