Starting to struggle here! This sucks!

Starting to struggle here!! This sucks!

Stick with it man

Hey Bill. What are you struggling with?

Tough night. Made it through. New day . Day 29

My man. Congrats

Reach out. Let’s change that feeling at least you s

Today's Day 31, right?

I'm sorry you were struggling. It is great you reached out.

If you ever need to talk let us know what's going on and we'll be glad to help.

I feel you. Im a year in and with triggering things happening im struggling. Day by day, hour by hour. We got this

Day 29! Amazing, congrats!

This is a lot like the gym. When you struggle remember that it gets easier with persistence. You can do it, and we are here to spot you on this lift.


I’ve been sober since July 25th 2020

How are you Bill?

I'm good. 50 something days sober. It's the situation that I put myself because of my drinking that is rough as hell


50 days is no small feat.

Do you think this situation can be rectified?

What’s going on Bill?

My wife kicked me out almost 2 months ago and she said she's not even close to letting me come back home. Miss her and the kids. Not sure if I should just move on?

Don't give up. She may or may not be serious long-term. Have you considered marital counseling?

Same as I