Starting over 😠

Starting over :angry:


Welcome back. We saved you a seat.

Relapse is part of recovery. Ditch the shame, regret and self pity. Remember exactly how you felt when you picked up again. And never forget how it played out.

This can be your last day 1.


Well thank you for the advice...oh I won’t forget.

Welcome back Jay and Laura.
Nobody fails. Founders Bob and Bill made this the biggest membership ever. The only membership fee you need is the desire to stop drinking. That’s for everybody not just certain people but everybody. And I am grateful and proud to be part of this. Do you have the decision To stop for good or to go out and come back as much as you want. And it’s going to suck every time. But if you decide to stop and stay that way it won’t suck anymore it just gets better and better. It’s like Craig says did the shame the regret and self-pity. We are all here for the same thing. I know if I need help with anything I know where to turn to. I turned to my family here in AA to get the support that I need.

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Jay! Welcome! Be fully engaged this time. Give in the a higher power of your understanding.

Don't beat yourself up about the this. Many of us have had do overs! The great thing is that you are back! :grin:

Hey Jay,:wave: turn that frown upside down​:grin: At least you've chosen to start over, and it requires a lot of inner strength, courage, self-love, resilience, faith, and confidence to make that choice. So be patient and gentle with yourself. Tomorrow will be day 2, then day 3, etc... You have learned from this experience and have become even stronger and wiser should you be tempted to make a similar choice again in the future. Just remember that you're never alone. :v:


Please keep coming back

As bad as it sucks to start again, it beats just giving up. Use this opportunity to learn and it won't be as big of a loss as it feels.

Lets start over together as a team!

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I started over to many times to count. But I kept at it till it stuck with me. It’s almost been 4 years now and my life is manageable now.