Starting my sober journey over

Starting my sober journey over. The past 6 months have been really rough with relapsing over and over. I went to rehab in September but couldn’t manage to stay sober when I got home. I thought I was doing everything right. Started an IOP after rehab, went to meetings almost daily, found a sponsor and reached out to other people in recovery. I wish I could figure out what I’m doing wrong because I really don’t think i can start over again. I appreciate any advise!


Im open to chat if you ever want or need an open ear! You've got this, take life by inches and seconds. Don't worry about tomorrow


What Eric said. Just focus on getting to bed each night sober. That’s it! Everything else will settle out, trust me. But nothing happens if you’re not sober. I did research on that over and over and over, and my conclusion was ... it always gets worse. Mahalo! :v::heart::call_me_hand:


You might find attending other meetings advantageous. AA, Recovery Dharma.

It definitely sounds like you're doing the right thing. But in your heart do you want to be sober? If your heart doesn't match your actions it won't last.

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I’ve been struggling myself. I would have had 2 years at the end of this month but relapsed the day my dad died, Valentine’s Day this year. He died 4 months to the day that my mom died (Oct. 14 2020) and I’ve be struggling ever since. I’m about 36 hours in. Dt’s aren’t great but getting ready to head to a meeting. I think accepting that I don’t want the life I had before I initially got clean is helping me the most. And hating this feeling. Best of luck girl. Here if you need to talk :heart:

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When u walk in that hat a sober Man U will feel the accomplishment an it feel petty good the kiker do it again tomorrow

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