Starting day one AGAIN. I can’t take these hangover, depression

Starting day one AGAIN. I can’t take these hangover, depression axiety days I’m so tired of it!! I’ve gotta get over this crap

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I understand. You are not alone. We can do this if we want to badly enough! Sending positive vibes!

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Thank you I do want it bad but I seem to make the excuse to drink again. I’m not a mess but I’m just tired of thinking I’m not drinking today. I definitely get buzzed when I drink and axiety and depression happens the the next day. Thank you for your response!!

You're so welcome. I totally get that. The feeling for a frw days after allowing ourselves to drink is the absolute worst. It's mental hell. I try to remind myself it will pass but it feels horrible. So, I get it. Can you try to think of the excuses you make to drink? That may help. Mine are usually not at all valid :smirk: