Started over back on day 5 had a problem and

Started over back on day 5 had a problem and went through detox not by choice but it helped in a way. About to try some non alcoholic ipa hopefully that helps me fight the urge to drink fingers crossed :crossed_fingers:

Honestly for me it just made it worse and wanted the real thing. That’s just me, I can never do a little or replacement of anything.

be careful! those non alcoholic beers make the cravings worse for most! congrats for coming back!

I’ve never tried so far I’ve tried 3 different ones tonight and honestly they’re just making me sick to my stomach :face_vomiting:

Thank you and I’ve been hearing that a lot I was going to try and just take a couple sips of wine or champagne but didn’t want to overdo it I’m still detoxing and didn’t ween off so it’s making me so sick I have the shakes sweating and no stop throwing up