
Sponsors? How the hell did you find yours? I’ve been in meetings all week and can’t find anyone willing or able to help

Will you be my sponsor? Yes! Great.

Everyone says no or they can’t help me. I’ve found one person online but she lived 9 hours from me so if I need immediate in person help I don’t have it

Try another meeting group in person. A temporary sponsor that isn’t perfect is better than no sponsor.

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Will do!

Happy to help

Be selective on a sponsor. I have 2 of them.

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If I can ever find one I’ll be particular :joy:

I hope you find one soon.

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Try meetings online

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I would try putting it in the chat in every zoom meeting you go to. Or if you go in person share and say you need a sponsor.

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There is also nothing wrong with finding a temporary sponsor while you are searching.

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