Sobriety & Recovery

What's something you don't know [much] about and want to learn more? Which topics interest you?

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Great topic

Buddhism. It’s come up a lot in the quit lot I’ve read and in speaking to other people gettin sober.

I like reading guy Finley books with my dad who's been helping me out lol, it's a different perspective on handling sobriety or even just life in general

I repair old lawn and landscaping stuff that others can’t be bothered with. I know generally what to replace to make them work again, but it would be nice to know more about how they work.

And I areas a lot about sobriety so I’m always learning something there.

I second this!!

Cross addictions- specifically how to prioritize what to focus on without getting so overwhelmed with all of it and just throwing in the towel...

Co-occurring addictions are interesting

I know everything! :rofl: LMAO

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How It Works
RARELY, have we seen a person fail who has thoroughly followed our path. AA does work but if you would like try an alternative I found this.

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Let’s hear about Terminal Uniqueness!!!

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Addiction in general. What it means truelely the effects it has on our body brain life