Sobriety Myths vs. Reality ⚡️

Sobriety Myths vs. Reality :zap:
Let’s get a running list of myths about sobriety vs. the reality.

Myth = sobriety is boring
Reality = Any lifestyle can be boring, if we don’t make an effort to occupy ourselves and have fun. Addiction is doing the same old thing every day, over and over again - doesn’t get more boring that that!
Add your own!


Myth: AA is the only way.

Reality: AA, therapy, and treatment centers each have a role in helping others recover.


This is an amazing one to mention! There are many paths to recovery.


I must agree sobriety is fun. I love taking drives blasting music. Game nights and pizza is fun. I enjoy :bowling:. Baking is fun, too.


Myth- once I get sober all my problems will go away. Truth- you will still have problems, just not as many and you will be much better equipped to deal with them.


Truth! As long as we live there is always something to defeat. It may not always be big or small. Sobriety definitely brings clarity.

Thanks for sharing.


Nice addition, Thomas. It’s def a huge misconception that a lot of people have, thinking once they remove drugs and alcohol, all their problems will be gone too. That certainly wasn’t the case for me lol but like you said, I was much better able to handle life

I read this in a blog, "you become a walking stigma " and the response was "there is nothing embarrassing about not drinking a mind deteriorating poison". Choosing oosing your health and life over anything else is not something to be ashamed of. Both mental and physical


That’s a powerful message. I think the stigma around addiction and recovery is being broken down more and more every day. Especially now that people are becoming more wise to the real effects of alcohol. What you said reminds me of the quote “it is no measure of health to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society”



Myth: this is the bed you made, you have to lie in it.

Truth: you can change the sheets, you can wash them, you can sleep on the floor for a bit, the couch. You change the bed’s narrative at any time. You can make it a bed worth sleeping in.


Preach! That's so true. :raised_hands:t5::raised_hands:t5::raised_hands:t5:

You can add a pup or kitten to that bed! :heart_eyes_cat:


Who said that?