Sobriety has changed my life!

In the past 16 sober months, I have gained the confidence to divorce my user ex, lose 100 lbs, go back to school, and find my peeps and my sponsor in AA. Life can't be any better :heart:


This is awesome Jen! So happy to hear this! Sounds like the promises are coming true for you. Keep up the good work!


Keep grinding and kicking ass​:raised_hands:t3::100::raised_hands:t3:


Way to go Jen! You are killing it... I'm right behind you with 15 months... I'm continually amazed how each day gets better.

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Thanks for sharing such a positive story. I’ve only been alcohol-free for 13 days, and I really, really need this sort of motivation to keep going. It’s great to see that sobriety is working out so well for you. :grinning:

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Amazing!!!!! Get it gurl!!!!

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Wow , Congrats Jen , Although I was the caused of my divorce and Although I don't have as many days as you I've changing my ways ..loving myself, your words are inspiration ..tks

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Congratulations!! We do recover! I went to a As Bill Sees It meeting tonight and the reading page 25 , We Cannot Stand Still - It looks like you haven’t stood still and you are reaping the benefits of the promises of a sober life. I will have three years on Wednesday and it has only gotten better and better , one day and one step at a time. Again congratulations to you!

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Living your best life sober :yellow_heart::v::tada:!

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That's great

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Outstanding!!! You're a fighter. I pray you never lose that drive.

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Thanks for the inspiration Jen, this is awesome :blush::partying_face:

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You guys are seriously the best! I didn't want to sound like I'm bragging. I could not have done this without AA and my willingness to follow the program. I was tired of being a dry drunk with no direction but once I stepped my foot in the rooms, my life started changing. I wish you all the best life has to offer!! Thank you for your support and kind words :heart:

That’s a hella-good story! :clap::raised_hands::v:

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When we get sober get some of that fog out our head we see how much easier it is to live a sober clean life my worse day being sober still better than my best day getting high this sober way of life is much much more wonderful

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Thank you for sharing! That gives me such inspiration to keep going!

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I’ve also been sober for 16 months! Congrats! :balloon:

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I'm a recovering alcoholic and drug addict been sober for 28 years