
Hello friends,

this is day 4 in my sobriety journey. Ngl I’m mostly only quitting alcohol and hard drugs. I am still smoking cigarretes and plants. I feel really judged in the sober community. this plant has never made me do anything that alcohol has made me do. I wonder why is it bad if it’s never done me any bad? Last I was in AA my sponsor basically told em the reason she considered it a drug was because of lack of prescription. What’s ur take on it?

the cigarretes I do get.


Don't be worried about the judgemental. Sobriety is a personal journey for yourself. You can do it


I totally agree with Carmen. Sobriety is a journey we are on to better ourselves and the relationships around us. People in the sober community can be very judgmental and they are not the reason you chose to go on this journey.


In rehab for 9 months for plants. If you're an addict, it will eventually lead you back to harder drugs. Enough obsession and problems with plants in the wrong state with the wrong laws will still get you in hot water.

If addiction is a disease like cancer then follow this analogy to its end. if you were diagnosed with cancer today and your doctor told you you needed radiation and chemotherapy but you only did the radiation what would the result be?

Best of luck and no judgement here, just cold hard truth. If you want a new life, you have to quit mind altering substances altogether. Otherwise you're probably on your way to a relapse.

In the program I'm in, telling you grass is okay would be called cosigning your BS, and could kill you later.

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Hi, Laura. I don't know your sponsor but it's possible she gave a perspective that she may have to give. If the plant isn't legal she may be obligated to say she doesn't recommend using the plant to protect you and her.

I'm also sorry you feel poorly judged by the sober community. Remember it's 1 day at a time. Keep your head up. Don't quit.

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One of the issues many have with plants that we smoke is they are addictive. Ive heard of two plants we smoke and folks keep saying neither is addictive but then we have people here who see all the same signs of addiction with them. If it changes how you perceive reality it is addictive. Be careful.

Hi Laura !!! Thanks for the question I think it’s great -I know several people who got off heroin and just smoke “plants” and are fine. I know one is a loner and super depressed but not on heroin so I’m not sure how free he is but it’s his choice. I have another friend who’s doing great. Several of them got sober for a while with AA and eventually were able to maintain by smoking pot. Honestly I couldn’t do it at all but Im addicted to literally anything you put in front of me that could change the way I feel. Everyone’s journey is different. If you can smoke and it doesn’t harm you or lead you back to anything else then smoke- if it’s helping you then it doesn’t matter. Unfortunately AA does suggest abstinence from all mind altering substances but there are other groups like SMART if you need a support group, or just meetups, there’s a whole community around sobriety while smoking But I forget the name of it, i love AA but the judgmental people did bother me a bit, I realize that’s not AA that’s just certain people in it. If something like complete abstinence works for me of course I’d want everyone else to completely abstain in hopes of saving lives. But the longer I have sober the more I realize it’s ok to have a different journey. :purple_heart: whatever keeps you alive & happy is ok.


This was so very kind. Thank you for your perspective

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Well youre not sober. Think its ok to get high and claim sobriety? Its not. Its a lie youre telling yourself. Sober is the absence of mind altering substances and working a program. I wish that for you more than anything because its an amazing thing. Good luck!

Everyone starts somewhere. She gave up alcohol and hard drugs. She gave up a couple things- and that's extremely important.

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John66381 must have been super fun when he was drinking. :roll_eyes:

Hey Laura,

i totally support you girl! Quitting alcohol and hard drugs is no simple feat, and is a HUGE accomplishment. Take it day by day and I don’t judge you at all (and no one else should either).

For me, everything at once would be too much, and I think any progress that you are making is rad. Don’t let others get you down. Keep going!!

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I believe the idea behind it is no mind altering substances so you learn to cope with things as your true sober self.
I only have 7 days, but this is what Ive gathered

In my opinion, its a medicine when used properly. When I was only smoking weed I was the healthiest I’ve ever been. It’s all the other things that caused me to drop off and I know plenty of people who have gotten off all the other more dangerous addictive substances with the help of this plant. So I guess it depends on the person, but I’ve always viewed as a medicine that helps people

Just like the ladies above pointed out that addiction is a personal journey, addiction affects each person differently. While it's probably wise for any addict to stay away from any addictive substance, at the same time, it's probably wise for any person, regardless of their predisposition to addiction, to stay away from any addictive substance. You can't say that anything, is going to lead anyone, anywhere.

Step one generally happens to us, less so us slipping in easily to it.

I have learnt a few things from my own experience, probably all things ultimately teach me when they are my own. I have certainly learned , and generally this means the hard way, that “everything is necessary to get me where I need to be”.

“We don’t receive wisdom; we must discover it for ourselves after a journey that no one can take for us or spare us…” —Marcel Proust

I'm in day 4 hope your journey goes well

How are you? Haven't heard from you for a while, you still hanging in there?