Sober yet why do I keep doing the shit

Sober yet why do I keep doing the shit I do? Like not being responsible for certain things. I am scared. Idk of what exactly. I’m down on myself and just disappointed in myself. Aggravated and shit!!! Why do I do the stupid things like I did?
I just don’t understand!!


Are you working a program or are you white knuckling it?

I felt myself slipping into a “dry drunk” situation recently. Like not drinking but the fear and control issues were racing in my head. I was tense. Angry. Filled with self pity.

I got back into my routine of reading praying and being of service.


Sober not perfect! What did you fo

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Hi ! Sit down. Relax. Try to figure out what is bothering you or disturbing more than anything. Find out your fears. Analyse and then start to work on it and yourself

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Me too...31days clean from methadone & benzos, and I’m just trying to pretend shii is cool but it’s not... I also feel under appreciated for how hard it is for 1 day .... it’s just to much going on with taking care the kids & parents I’m ready to snap but it don’t know what it exactly is either...least someone else knows :two_hearts:


You are human. The best things you can do right now is forgive yourself and make these bad decisions right by fixing them. Apologize. Learn from your mistakes. Choose today that you won’t repeat the cycle. Repeat every 24 hours.


I was frustrated too that stopping using didn't seem to make me into some better person or make things easier. I did find with time I had more patience and was more willing to ask for help. Appreciate you sharing, it's showing you are strong and finding another way to get support besides using for the tough times.


I over think to much scramble brain

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Have you ever seen a mirror that magnifies the reflection? Ya know like a makeup mirror. If you use it as your only mirror you have a distorted view of yourself. Addiction is a distorted mirror. It shows every flaw in magnified view. It makes it all seem insurmountable. Step back, and get someone to help put it in perspective. You can do this, you just need a new mirror.


We are human, be kind to yourself. It’s good to hold yourself accountable without beating yourself up. Solution based thinking. :heartpulse:

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Don't be hard on yourself Joey. We only human.

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Hey Joey!! 1st- we (people) are creatures of habit . So we continue to do what we do cuz it’s comfortable.
2nd- We All like the days of Not being responsible, here it sounds like growth in you
3rd- We or at least the majority are All scared at 1st..what it is tho is Fear of the unknown.
4th - try not to be so hard on yourself. Your right where your supposed to be :wink:.. and more importantly.. You have Earned Your seat here !!
Now, If you have a higher power.. now is the time to learn to trust & have Faith!! Faith in Yourself .. Faith in 1 of the BEST decisions that You have made in probably.. And Trust in the process. Progress, not perfection
Most important of All tho is right now to just keep your FAITH in Your Higher Power .. 1day at a time

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You and me both Joey! I’m once again chose to get drunk and I to don’t understand why I keep doing the same shit. I go through phases were I just “let loose” yet then wake up to crippling anxiety. Life is tough -thanks for sharing your struggle, meant a lot

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Progress not perfection


Thank you so much!!

We may be sober but our addict behavior is always trying to take us out ..this is why meetings help because those before us can suggest the things that got them out of there negative head which also creates negative behavior I have been told the answers ate all in the book but 9 yrs a dry drunk not once did l read it now I'm a newbie with 14 days and it humbles me to try and help u by still trying to help myself ..u are okay pretty mamma u got this! Praying for u :pray:

I am the same Joey.
Angry, with myself daily
I'm told a frustrated dry drunk can't put more than 3 mo abstinent together just faking it

Hey Danielle: Congratulations on getting free of methadone!!! That's incredibly awesome..

I relate 100% just keep progressing we aim for spiritual progress not perfection as long as we are getting better we can’t go wrong!

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