Sober Weekend

What are your plans this weekend?

I'll be meal prepping for the next week, exercise, go to church, and get ice cream.


Today Friday, take care of some business, run some errands, spend some time reading out the big book of NA. I think I'll call my sponsor to check in today. I'm looking forward to Saturday and Sunday. Saturday me and a couple of fellas from recovery are headed to a sanctioned parking lot fight. A fellow old-timer from the fellowship of NA is part of the main event. It's also 6 hours away from where I stay so it's quite a road trip. Which I look forward to because I love to drive and blast my music. Then on Sunday a couple fellas I was in treatment with are heading out to go visit another brother from treatment. Moving a little slow this morning. As long as I learn to connect to my higher power and maintain a positive outlook I'm hoping to have a great weekend!


Tomorrow is Siblings Day :yellow_heart:. Might convince my brother to go to lunch or dinner. Hopefully good weather for a walk on Sunday and I need to polish my resume. I'm ready to get back to more than part-time work :grin::desktop_computer::briefcase::crossed_fingers:.


That sounds awesome

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Tomorrow I am getting dose one of the vaccine. Have to drive 1.5 hrs each way but worth it! To see my sick mom again.

Sunday will be a day of relaxing and playing my new sherlock holmes board game :heart_eyes:


I second that '"go get ice cream " lol


Dealing with these fun hangover like vaccine symptoms ... good sober fuel

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I love road trips, too, because I get to listen to my favorite jams and nap. Road trips are relaxing.

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Exercise urrday😜 going to recovery meeting tonight at church. Going surfing Saturday in Kona then church on Sunday. My home group meets 7 days a week so I start every morning off with a meeting and my devotions/Bible reading. I have to start my day off that way or else everything else is a wreck

Siblings (Satur)Day! I love this idea. Do you all get together each Saturday.

I wish you the best on resume update. Updating a resume can be daunting. What kind of work are you looking for?

Where did you buy the game?

I am glad you'll be able to see your mom again. I know the past year has been rough on our entire world.

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Yes! :raised_hands:t5: I'm torn between butter pecan and mango.

What flavor do you enjoy most?

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I'm sorry. Monitor your symptoms and keep your doctor posted.

Oh, well sometimes. But, tomorrow actually is National Siblings Day!

I'm a classic kinda guy. French vanilla!! I even put a spoonful in my coffee in the morning, lol

Tell me about the board game

I am trying to figure out something to do. Maybe treat myself to the beach and some shopping

Watch the rain.

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I’m updating my resume and applying to jobs this weekend too. Then a rewatch of Beyoncé’s film Black is King.