Sober & Snacks

Our sense of taste improves when we become sober. :yum: What is your favorite snack?

I'm a sucker for salsa con queso and chips.


Still got the don't want to eat after Covid-19 blues, without alcohols calories, I am melting away. Trying to stop the melt with carbs, had chips with hummus tonight.

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Anything that says “Ben & Jerry’s” on it.


Anything hot and spicy. The hotter the better, I love to feel that burn. If my eyes arent watering, it's not hot enough. Of course, I've always liked my food and snacks like that. Not just in sobriety


I love sweets! Cookies, cake, cupcakes


Oh Semple. :cry: Have you thought about talking with a doctor? I don't want you to suffer from malnutrition.

I've never had chips with humus. It sounds delicious. Carrots with roasted pepper humus is one of my favorite snacks.

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You're a foodie? I love adventurous foodies.

My brother would agree with you on that.

I love hot and spicy with flavor. If my eyes are watery I stop. I really eat when my eyes burn.

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What's your favorite cupcake flavor?

Carot cake cupcakes from Trader Joe’s. I need to stop buying them, lol

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I love spicy too but my go to snacks are charcuterie boards or brussel sprouts haha

I think EVERYTHING tastes better and for some reason I've never really liked sweets and I have become obsessed with brownies and sour patch kids :yum:. But in general my diet is healthier because I'm not skipping meals too make room for cocktail calories. Amazing upgrade :ok_hand:

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Cheese or Chocolate take your pick.


Snickers, Rice Pudding and Celay Sticks with Sunflower Seed Butter and Craisins on Top.

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Sour skittle!

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Anything chocolate!

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Hmmmm lately I’ve just like a good vanilla or carrot cake orrrr funfetti :yum:

I haven’t tried those. My grandmother makes a fantastic carrot cake. I might use her recipe for cupcakes.

I so want to perfect the craft of charcuterie boards.