Sober Rewards

Is rewarding yourself an imperative part of your sobriety? What do you do to celebrate your milestones?


For me absolutely!

It helps keep my mind off alcohol and know that I am doing a good thing and should be proud of how far I’ve come. It may be a massage, pedi, or a treat.

I like to write down my soon-to-be milestones because it gives me something to look forward to. And celebrate.

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To quote John pinette “ravioli and a nap” is my mantra when I do something good.

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I try and reward myself for a lot of things that are challenging to me, sobriety included! But this post has inspired me to maybe reward myself daily for staying sober :upside_down_face: perhaps with a short meditation each night, thanking myself and the universe for helping me to prioritize my recovery for another 24 hours

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