Sober Parenting

How has your parenting improved since you've been sober?

I am more present and patient. :slight_smile:


Awesome. I know you and the kiddos love that.

No kids was in my active addiction for my step children

Kids are in college, but when they do need me once in awhile I’m ready to be there.

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Grateful I quit before they were born.

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I believe that my children have a better chance of living a clean life. And other than my oldest straight up saying she doesn’t want to talk to me my son and youngest daughter and I are a lot closer and because I was honest with them they have the knowledge and the awareness to make better choices than I. And not to say this the wrong way but even through my addiction I managed to show them a better way

My kids have forgiven but not forgotten. I stay true to myself, work my program and am present for them more than I was. I’m also not hungover and cranky anymore so I’d like to think we have a lot more fun together.

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I mostly drank in the evenings after my kids had gone to bed, but I am definitely in a better mood and more present than when I was hungover and just trying to get through the day to get to that next drink… I’m more willing to go out and get things done.

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I can relate. I did my drinking only at night and after the baby went to bed.
I’m still not 100% mentally but I can really see a difference with my patience and mood.
I’m much nicer and understanding.


Excellent decision.

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