Sober life

Sober, single, and living by myself 2000 miles away from my hometown. I’m back to 0 friends. If you’re in SoCal. Get ahold of me

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Hey Kevin, im on the opposite side of the country. I hope your doing well and wish you the best. I know how you feel, I had to start going to meeting and using this app to find some people I could talk to. Reach out anytime!

Hi, Kevin. Yeah, going back to 0 friends suck. But you are here. I'm sure you'll make solid connections. Jump in the chat groups and meet with people.

“sober and single,” yeah, I can ID with that. Have you tried going to any online NA meetings? SoCal is the birthplace of NA. Meeting attendance will certainly take the edge off isolation, and who knows, you might make a connection with the opposite sex. Just sayin'.

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Definitely suggest going to meetings on Zoom, let everyone know you need connections and I guarantee you’ll get a bunch of phone #s since that something everyone’s struggling with right now- isolation

Kevin blessings and bro youre hella courageous.. 2000 miles away from every thing I know in early sobriety would spell DRUNK.. IVE GOT A DATE 8.11.12 since my last run and bro it all settles and will start to make sense later. Get a sponsor NOW youre life depends on it!

Where you at? I'm in Huntington Beach.. lemme know how I can help