Sober Life and loneliness

Does anyone else feel so alone? Im going through a divorce, lost what was my life and I have to start all over. Yes i go to meetings, yes I completed inpatient treatment, yes I’m alive and lucky my heath is great. Just missing that companionship I had so badly and the pain i feel is real. Doesn’t help I live in a state that is known for drinking! Everyone drinks

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Completely get it! My fiancé actually ended things while I was at a treatment center! So I’m staring over completely! I don’t know a lot of people in recovery so it’s hard! I go to meetings but yeah I definitely also feel alone! But congratulations on being sober

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Thanks Jillian, going to treatment was….embarrassing, humbling, stressful beyond words, spiritual, eye opening, shameful…..but it was the best thing that ever happened. Who I really am as a person returned and I buried that other Josh in the desert(not literally) its just this loss of who I loved and this “Grieving Process” im going through. My uncle just passed from alcoholism and seeing him a few days ago before he died shook me. I just cant do that to my sons,

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Yeah I completely get it!! I met the real me in treatment!! But it’s definitely grieving!! I have 3 kids and I never want them to have to go through losing me to death or seeing me drunk ever again

Im guilty of being drunk around my two sons, just stupid. But im breaking that cycle of learned behavior and showing them. Learned behavior and genetics(was told in treatment they have mapped 700 genomes related to alcoholism)so were born with it. I see you had ear protection on, like shooting

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Yeah I learned that in treatment too! Yeah I was put shooting rifles at a range with my dad when I took that picture!! Love the outdoors

You may need something spiritual to help your soul. For me it's this awesome church i found but for you it may be buddhism or something like that etc

Josh, congrats on your sobriety! Thank you for sharing your story with us! You’re on the right path. I totally understand how you feel. I’m still dealing with my divorce 608 days after I got clean and sober. We were separated in September of 2019 (sobriety date 11-19-19) we lived together until my sobriety date which made things worse. I was a manic. Completely out of my mind. She eventually got a temporary restraining order on me which led me to my sobriety date. Long story short, I went to IOP and after 47 days my mind wasn’t right, so I decided to go inpatient treatment for 30 days. While in there I had a court date for the restraining order. I didn’t testify and got 3 years and she served me with divorce papers that same day.
I felt so sick. I was crushed. I
Still love her but from a far. I believe God removed her from my life cause God heard something she said behind closed doors. To this day I’m forever grateful towards her for the restraining order as I couldn’t stop using or drinking on my own. She saved my life.
I’ve moved on. I tried dating a couple women but I’m still healing. If we are patient and work on our sobriety life will happen again and this time it will be blissfully beautiful. But we must work out program to the fullest and help others. I had to learn to love myself before I could love others.

Have a wonderful day filled love and peace within.

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I'm lonely as well as drugs made it easy for me to hang out with others, while destroying myself in the process. They say there is nothing more dangerous than an addict alone, and i think that's true. We need to have other people to laugh with and love, and it's hard to find good people once you're clear headed. Addicts isolate while using and when we stop we sometimes still stay in that isolation mode, or even survival mode. I've found that I need to really try to hang out with others and push myself out of my comfort zone. There's so many groups you can that join online to meet new cool people. Good luck with everything :heart:

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