Sober in the sunshine!

I've always loved the beach. When I got sober in Florida, the beach took on a whole new meaning for me. I did my step work on the beach. I dove into the ocean and let it cleanse me. I early morning strolled in the sand to reflect on gratitude. I feel really connected to the sea and I think I always will. What's your happy place?


Love the beach! My happy place can take many forms. Today it is a hammock on the porch during a thunderstorm.

Beach and golf course for me.

Omg pretty

I am jealous!! I love going to the beach but I’m pretty landlocked in central Texas. Rivers and lakes are ok but just not the same.

Storms are the bestttt. I love the smell even

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Nice! Always wanted to try golfing!

Yessss I especially like woodsy non paved hiking trails. Where I can step in dirt and puddles with my boots.

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Thanks Steven!! OCMD. Great place!

Yes I do love rivers and lakes but ain't nothing like the ocean!! Plan yourself a trip!!

I’ll have my toes and everything else in the Atlantic on 8/2. We have a trip planned to coastal New England.

Yes…the sea! Whenever I feel I have big problems a few moments gazing at the ocean ALWAYS brings comfort. I am 4 miles from the beach. Colder water here though :relaxed:

California Beaches and woods

Actually any beach oops

I lived in Florida when I was a kid, visiting again as a man next month, can't wait to hang out on the beach!