Sober from alcohol, now taking too much Xanax. Help

Sober from alcohol, now taking too much Xanax. Help.


You should probably talk to a doctor about it.


You can build tolerance to xanax extremely quickly, so yes it’s def a concern. Depending how much you’re taking, it can be dangerous to come off cold turkey, as Steven said, I would touch base with your doctor and develop a weening off strategy.


I've been dealing with the same thing looking for a treatment center right now xanax is a bitch to get over and take it one day at a time . I wish you the best.


I’m not a professional by any means BUT when I was newly sober I was taking .5mg every 6 hours and slowly weaned myself down to just .5mg before bed, then to nothing at all :pray:t2: Again not a professional by any means and i would def recommend talking to your physician about a similar plan. :pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2:

Thanks so much honey thats what I'm doing. Cutting back but you know when something stressful happens you Just want to say fuck it and take a whole 2 MG. But I'm trying to be strong. I've been to detox 3 times its the most boring place where time stands still and u think of all the shitty things you've done so not doing that. And trying to get in a rehab that only takes private insurance is a disgrace . I refuse to go back to a hospital settinv rehab thats really like jail even if your not mandated. Can't go outside, 6 rs A day you are left with nothing to do its ridiculous. So I'm trying so hard and researching and researching to find someplace to take me. Thx for reaching out and if you ever need to talk reach out or have Any ideas let me know

Xanax is extremely habit forming … I take it myself but for emergencies and the lowest dose possible due to my past history with it about 10 years ago. The tolerance builds very quickly and you’ll need to constantly up the dosage. In our clinic I have clients who take Hydroxyzine, which is non habit forming. Google it, it may be a better alternative for sleep and situational anxiety/panic attacks. Otherwise may need something like a longer term anti-depressant/anti-anxiety medication. It’s trial and error.. I’ve tried 4 different ones and terrible side effects. So I’m still trying to manage my chronic anxiety/depression without meds… but I’m also only 2 days sober so as you can see the recurrent relapses indicate I’m not necessarily doing all that well.

We shouldn't play Doctor with this stuff. If we can't quit cold turkey and there's going to be problems, then we need to talk to a detox facility. Shortcuts are risky

Yes may 27th in went to hospital almost overdosed usually always fatal th🙏

Good luck honey praying for you :pray:

Going through the same thing. Its ruff. I had an easier time getting off pain pills 6 years ago than this. And insurance companies such. They only want private insurance and of course I'm disabled. Ughh

Take a trip to ny. Walk into a facility and you’ll be good to go. Just make sure you have no job. On paper

Any kind of facility??