Sober for wellness

Sober for wellness

Hey everyone! So I've been sober for almost 2 years now, and it was a choice that was simple, alcohol just wasn't serving me anymore, and with one kid at the time (now 2) I just didn't need the feeling the day after I had from even just having one or two drinks.

I just came to see alcohol as the poison thst it is, not giving anything truly positive to the body or our overall health, and quit cold turkey.

Those of you going through a battle to stop I commend you and hope you see the light that is choosing a healthy life over one filled with poison and borrowed time.

I just wanted to write this post to say hey, and see if there's anyone else here who went sober just because, and hasn't looked back.

I personally feel and would love to see sober be more of a statement and a choice, rather than something people look down on or worry about you for.

Since day one I say to someone I don't drink and they give me this look like I've got the plague or a problem. I hope to see a world where more people wake up to the reality that alcohol isn't ever the answer, its just a mask that keeps you content in a moment you might otherwise choose to avoid.

I hope to meet some cool people here, those peole that don't really focus on the no alcohol side of things, and simply realize that alcohol, is truly a very tiny thing in our world, Regardless of how mainstream society and media enjoy promoting it, all of life's greatest joys truly have nothing to do with alcohol, and if I meet locals (Clearwater, fl) that want to go sailing, hiking. Grab a coffee or tea, etc. That would be pretty cool!

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Love this. Thank you Kurt!

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Happy to hear you appricate my short insight, Amanda! Thanks!

So awesome!! I love that you’re sober by choice! A lot of friends ive made also are too it’s great! Unfortunately I am afflicted with an addiction and got sober bc my life was in turmoil but I’m grateful for friends like you who live this way of life by choice & help shatter the stigmas associated with being sober for health reasons. I’d like you to know you help other addicts find the light with your own sobriety !

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I love to hear that, and happy that you're happly on a better path! I'm happy to know that its a welcomed change of pace in the world of sobriety.

I've had my share of termol and oddly the worst came after giving up drinking, i feel for me, after giving up alcohol I saw the patterns and situations I let myself be in that really didn't serve me. I saw people and relationships for what they were and the real work began after I found out that even with light use, alcohol played a role in creating a space and life that wasn't true to my heart and purpose.

Hopefully everyone will one day catch on that alcohol even in “responsible” use does more damage than good. Until then ill keep promoting the benefits of living a healthy holistic life without any form of poison going into my body.

“…I found out that even with light use, alcohol played a role in creating a space and life that wasn't true to my heart and purpose.” That statement sums it up perfectly.

I've battled with depression my entire life, and I came to the realization that even just having one drink after work, a few days a week, was harmful to my mental state. In addition to that, with everything I have on my plate, I need all the energy I can get! Definitely was not getting that from alcohol. Living sober has also kept me away from certain places that frequently attracted negativity.

Basically - 10/10 recommend sober living lol

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I can definitely relate, I've had anxiety disorders and depression as well. I know what you mean about needing and appricating the extra energy also!

I sometimes feel a lot of people that use alcohol don't understand that they are in fact self medicating to keep themselves content where thry are, and if they only realized, oh how much better life could be. I think to many people suffer from depression and anxiety, and many go undiagnosed because of their frequent use of substances. While some may be able to play it off as working, only after careful inner searching can you really see that its all a lie.

Happy to meet you! And thanks for your kind words!

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hey Kurt. I got sober because I was struggling with substance abuse and have been in recovery for nearly 5 years, but in the past two years or so, I’ve had the pleasure of meeting more people such as yourself - those who didn’t necessarily have a definable addiction issue but were able to realize how harmful alcohol was to their overall health and wellness. Many of these ppl identify with the term “sober curious” I wonder if you’ve read the book of the same title? Anyway, thanks for bringing a much-needed new perspective to larger sober community.

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No I haven't read it. But I do keep seeing more of that term and more sober options coming around. I love seeing sober life become just as glamorized as alcohol has been for so many years. Not only will it help make a healthier world, but can only help those really struggling see the benefits of sober living. Even by choice it still takes a lot of strength to choose this lifestyle as social life seems to gear towards poor choices, and I look forward to a day that the common way to socialize is without booze.

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