Sober Days πŸ“…

Do you count your sober days? Why or why not?

Absolutely. Knowing my actual sober time is something inspire me to keep going. Every 24 hrs is an accomplishment. My sober bday means more to me than my biological bday. Plus, it keeps me accountable. If I end up drinking today, I will know how much time and effort I just threw away.

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I do not count days or collect chips. Just isn’t something that inspires me personally. I do better when I don’t think about being a recovering alcoholic at all. Just focus on what’s in front of me. That’s works for me.


I know what you mean about reminding yourself you can still count. Some days I worry about myself. :blush::rofl:

I get that. My spiritual birthday means more than my natural birthday.

Nope. I just want to live my life as a sober person. Not one who has a past with alcohol.