Sober day 2 and I’m totally burnt out at work

Sober day 2 and I’m totally burnt out out work. Burnout is my #1 trigger and I have a massive day ahead.

But I went to group, I found this app, and even if it’s a digital dopamine illusion, I feel like I’ve got people.

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Hi Tye. I'm glad you joined our community.

Can you take some time off work? Or can you address the problem with your boss?

I am feeling ok actually.

I’m the owner of a dog walking company, so I walk my own clients all day while my employees drive all over town walking their own clients. So I manage them remotely while I’m walking

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My wife co manages, but it’s the anniversary of her dad’s death so she’s definitely at home, crying, where I should probably be. But she and I have really made this company part of our family, and she wants me to be out here, supporting them

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What I did during my first week while working and acting normal, was smash out on caffeine to be honest. As long as I could make it through the day I was good. Eventually I felt better.

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I got the iced coffee right here!

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I'm a HUGE dog lover! My beloved beagle helped me TREMENDOUSLY during those early few months as I got sober. Enjoy the love & companionship dog souls, wags & kisses give you-- even though they might be a client's pup! What a GREAT business idea! Be proud of yourself. 2 days sober is better than 2 days drunk-- wishing u were sober! As for your wife, I'm sorry for such a profound loss. I'm sure the rawness to the loss of her father hurts immensely. But, a thought I just had momentarily-- instead of worrying about where u "should" be... your wife is a grown woman, capable of asking for your comfort and time... and if she's not the type who would reach out & ask for help/ or is perhaps, typically reluctant to asking you to be there for you when she needs you-- you can always ask HER, what she needs you... simply ask her yourself..."sweetie, what can I DO to best help you during this time? If she says that she wants you working towards your company's goals/to be "out there"-- supporting the business by walking dogs, accept that as her answer... and just check in once in awhile to see if she's changed her mind?? (LoL-- us women tend to do that once in awhile)! Haha. Just remember that each day is a blessing-- and ur headed in the right direction! Welcome to the group!

Hi Tye Welcome,

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Thank you for your thoughtful reply. It’s moments when someone takes a second to give you an ear that really make a difference

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Hope things get easier for you!

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Hey there, Tye.... I know the feeling about getting burnt out at work! I'm working nights right now. It's my last one though! Ready for my three days off!

I'm glad that you found this group. I think you will find good support here!

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There is a lot of luck in becoming successful, as a father or a in your career, and some people will be unlucky their entire lives despite working hard. It’s not that working hard means you’ll get lucky, but the more you play the luckier you’ll get

It’s kinda like playing scratchers. We are the scratchers player, the 7-11 employee is Fate. The money in the players’ pocket is Life. Might as well play it all. We all only get one wallet.