Sober by choice and dating can be rough. I prolonged

Well you didn’t loose any , surely that relationship won’t end good, that the reason that we have to date sober people we understand each other, the right one will come along and stay honest

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It's tough. I'm just working a good program and letting my higher power take care of it. Like anything else in life, as soon as I start forcing my will on a situation, I'm building expectations and resentments, and I'm not operating on a spiritual level.

It'll happen! Trust the process. And there's no lack of thirsty dudes in recovery :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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I've replied "You must be the boring one. You don't know how to have fun without a beer in your hand" when I'm told my life must be boring because I don't drink.


I have a great girlfriend now but I remember this one girl was saying “I should have stuck with drinking” (as an idea for a first date.) I just remember thinking that she had the lamest personality...


Love this so much!! So accurate

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That’s so crazy to me. Like some people have some nerve! Like what?? Even when I drank socially I would have never said that to anyone!!! :exploding_head:

I’ve been sober now for nearly three years. It’s still difficult at times when someone asks if you want a drink and you say no I can’t, not no I don’t want one.

Im experiencing the same thing!

Thank you for bringing this topic up!! I'm new to this community... and appreciate everyone's feedback- totally helped me to see this situation from a different perspective! Especially Stephen's response regarding those who may or may not use alcohol as a tool to assume a female under the influence may be more open to being physical! Also, love Liz's response!

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Wow... I'm not ready to date yet cause of this same thing. I want my sobriety to be the first thing someone finds out. I have tried being with someone who still drinks and it just brings up animosity and makes me feel left out.

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haha fuck him and I feel you dating is toughhh! although if they can't find value in you when you sober then what's the point

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I can relate to this post so much. Dating is so difficult always and we have this to deal with. There are guys out there looking for non drinkers, it may just take some time. I am tired of being judged for non drinking too

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As someone else here who chose to be sober for wanting to achieve a higher state of wellness, I get this. I don't have much online dating motivation and social encounters don't happen quite as often as they did in a bar. Honestly, I enjoy knowing sobriety keeps some of the crazies away lol. Between choosing to be sober and vegan I feel I put up solid walls to find people that genuinely care about health and well-being. I'd like to say that I'd be cool dating outside of my views, but the longer I stick with my choices in both drinking and diet/lifestyle, the more passionate I become for my reasons of choosing those paths. They say the right one comes when your ready. Just stay focused on what you love out of life and all the romance is supposed to come somewhere in the center of that... or so they say lol

If anything what annoys me is as someone who chooses to be sober, when people hear you choose not to drink, they automatically want to treat you like you've got a problem. I was a bartender for 8 years, still working as one for the first year or so of my sobriety. Being around those who choose to drink never bothered me, but seeing people making pour decisions for their health out of ignorance and social norms did begin to bother me. When covid shut down bars I was excited, happy to be forced to find another career, and excited to see more people outdoors and being active rather than congregating at the local watering hole... only problem was everyone was afraid to be close or talk to one another lol

Bottom line choosing to be sober makes you far more interesting, and in tune with the world around you. Don't let the ignorance of modern culture bring you down.


I’m here if you ever want to chat

Jordan be patient. The right person will come along

I just say that I don't drink or use drugs. The woman who likes me likes for who I am. She doesn't care that I don't drink. She'll have a glass of wine with a meal every now and then. There's so much more to life than alcohol and others drugs. I've been clean and sober for 3 years and 5 months. I don't miss it. I don't want it. I've had enough. I have found a new way to live. :+1:

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What a dousche nozzle! I bet we have more fun then he does in a life time. Sounds like he was just looking to hook up anyway :man_shrugging: next lol

Preach brother! It’s so much more enjoyable to be present!

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As I live a life of sobriety, I understand and agree with what everyone is saying in here. But to play devil’s advocate for a minute. When I was drinking I would not have been interested in a sober girl. And it has nothing to do with hookups. At that time some of the things I enjoyed most of was visiting and trying new local breweries or pubs. Going to watch a game at a bar and day drink. Get a buzz at a friends bbq. Go to a Rockies game and hit up LoDo afterwards for some drinks. I lived a life that subconsciously or not heavily involved drinking alcohol. A lot of these guys probably have a drinking problem of their own and your sobriety is a reminder of the demons they refuse to face. My suggestions is to put dating aside for now and focus on you.

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