Sober activities with sober friends are a gamechanger for me

Sober activities with sober friends are a gamechanger for me today. Addiction feeds on isolation, boredom and loneliness and I finally got to the point I can overcome fear, relax and get out of myself for awhile


Steve! That’s a milestone for me! Getting out of my comfort zone is my new rush! I went to a sober pool party yesterday and was very nervous. I only knew one person going and that was the person who invited me. It turns out I knew more people and made me friends… I’m glad I went. I was a little worried and almost didn’t go. Keep going to sober functions our sobriety is counting on them…
Also I made a friend that is going to put on a sweat ceremony in a few weeks. I’m totally stoked as this May deepen my spiritual connection with my higher power, God! See if I didn’t go I would have missed out on an opportunity… love my journey! NO MATTER WHAT CLUB!

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good stuff. freedom from bondage!

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