So today o was exposed to COVID

So today I was exposed to COVID I now have to quarantine for seven days.....that’s not helping things at all!
Down time with no work and no where to go!!!! Arg! Okay so what’s the bright side any ideas folks :flushed::roll_eyes::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

I’ve been there for sure. Big book. 12&12. Joe & Charlie podcasts. Meditation. Research. Rest. Eat well. Hydrate.

I’d work in my garden/yard and find a few build/fix projects. I’m pretty good at keeping myself busy. Even if it’s a puzzle or something like that.

Yeah I’m thinking the same thing Craig I have some crap to burn I’m looking forward too lol! Golf? Exercise, walk the dog! I’m thinking of maybe moving to Portugal so I can research that... get taxes done etc. Deal with client I’ll find away.... thanks Craig

7 days isn't as bad as 14 days.

Hang in there. It's easier said than done. You got this!

Your right on that one Amanda! Thanks for all the cheer leading you do!!! We all need a cheer leader in life!

Amanda these catfish bottom feeder are developers you may like this from a monetizing point of view, but from a users point of view and legitimacy these people are Tainting it all badly I get two or three a day.... I’m trying of it honesty! If your true goal here is to help parole you need to fix this ASAP! I’m thinking the dating side is where your trying to monetize this app. These catfish gotta go if your hoping for a real thing to help’s so hard to write Effectively with grammar on this app because you can’t go back easy aargh