So today is 65 days clean .. my baby daddy

So today is 65 days clean .. my baby daddy was supposed to clean up but clearly it never works out that way I just got out of treatment and he got 8,000 back for our kids who are with me and my mom, and he’s in it deep. And in my head there’s a lot of resentment but also a form of jealousy. He has left me I do t know how many times to drink and party for weeks and it it’s frustrating always feeling like I’m the one who has to hold everything g together. He keeps asking to see the kids and reasoning with him is impossible. I know I do t want to go backwards because I was just there but I still think about it and lately it’s been more and more. I just can’t go backwards !

Brianna, sorry for what your going thru .but you must think about what's best for you and your kids.. Your putting effort and its awesome and Congrats on staying sober.. You should be proud of yourself and as for your baby daddy I'm not a therapist but you don't need negativety.. Concentrate on you and kids.. Think about there future and yours.. Dont look back Push Forward..Good Luck.. were here for you, your not Alone

Brianna, you are doing this for you so don’t care about anybody else , self love is more important to stay sober .. when you stay clean your loved ones are going to get benefited from it