So there was a company who contacted me

So there was a company who contacted me I went through three interviews and they went silent. I reached back out and they instantly responded they went with someone else. I'm hurt they didn't bother letting me know. Also only on day 4 of not drinking. So extra bummed.

I totally hate when organizations decide to ghost. I think many of them forget how they felt in their job search. But don't let it get you down. You being bummed is totally normal. Keep looking for a new job. Let tomorrow be Day 5. I believe in you.

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Thanks! Another day sober and I got a part time job starting tomorrow and an interview for a full time on Monday! Just another reason to stay sober :purple_heart:

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Just wasn't meant to be. Stay positive and focused. The next company you interview for will be better and andr

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Yes! I'm proud of you for not giving up. Let me know how the interview went.

Interview two is going to be scheduled! So one went well!

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The opportunity wasn’t for you. Something better is coming your way

They do that so if the other person ghosts them they have a fall back. It is really sketchy on their part. Sorry you had that happen. I hope your day improves.

That makes me happy.

This is the worst! And so unprofessional. How hard can it be to contact someone and let them know it isn’t a good fit? Smh, but I’m glad you’re moving on and staying sober! It’s their loss :nail_care:t2:

Did you get the job???