So my problem is smoking weed And smoking cigarettes.. I was

So my problem is smoking weed
And smoking cigarettes.. I was in a mental health clinic last December for mental health issues but they also treated me for addiction.. I haven’t drank since October 30th of last year but I’m having a really hard time with weed which triggers my needing nicotine. I started using again two weeks ago and I’m really ashamed. I refuse to own up to it in therapy when the therapy is also for drugs and alcohol. I hate addiction.. it makes me feel weak.

Sorry to hear you are struggling and feeling guilty right now. Myself, I'm an alcoholic. I also have an issue with weed. Been over 6 years without a drink. But I started smoking weed again about a year ago. Been completely clean and sober for 6 months now. I still feel too conflicted, and embarrassed to tell friends in my AA groups. Well. I told my sponsor, and one friend in the program… Try going to a new group, perhaps on zoom. Spill your guts there.