So like.. If pain is preventing long hikes, and old

So like.. If pain is preventing long hikes, and old age is keeping yah out of mosh pits. Dafuq do sober people do with their time and how do i participate in those with other people?

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Mostly I work everyday, and I saved some serious coin in the last 22 months. For fun I play golf, fish off shore, and I got really good at madden 21.

Social networking, get numbers. Make uncomfortable phone calls to people in the program. It helps, and make a couple meetings a day I’d possible☝🏼

So from a woman’s perspective I read, do yoga, go out with friends in recovery, travel, fish, kayak, work out, pray, make new friends and working on relationships I destroyed during relapses.

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I think about what I loved doing when I was 12, and do those things. Or things I dreamed of doing back then. I have restored a bicycle. I fixed up an old truck. I built and then planted a garden. I play cards and clue with my kids. I make plans and then keep them with friends. I bbq. I read about sobriety but also for pleasure.

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I do everything I did drunk- sober. This includes mosh pits, professional sports games, league sports.

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Music shows with seats (when we can)! Movies. Eating good food. Good luck Daniel and I hope your pain improves.

Ever thought about volunteering you time/skills in your area ?

Yup. I have roughly 5k logged hours. I want to pursue more. Covid is making that tricky so ive been intermittently feeding the homeless home cooked food.

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Poor and bored really stinks except that im building a life for ME. For now almost all my activities have to be free to very low cost. Ive been fishing and doing decent at it. Booooredom though is kinda driving me up the wall. Self care journey is a trip :stuck_out_tongue:

Ty ! My pain gets whack if i am Too active. Going through age changes i guess.

I need to do this too!

Im in the sane boat. I got very sick today. Spent the afternoon and evening in bed. Bored and even started crying. I feel like I’m wasting my life.

I read a lot more trying to learn the things I’ve taken for granted smell the flowers watch the wind blow on a tree enjoy life with a clear eye and open heart you know tge basic stuff we take fir granted