So Ive really been wanting to go to a meeting

So Ive really been wanting to go to a meeting...but not an A.A. I am not religious, i dont believe in higher powers or praying. What other options are available? #SouthTexas

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Stay :muscle: strong. You got this.

Hi Stephen my name is Lloyd I live in San Francisco but I used to live in Hawaii I had a dear friend of mine that went to AA meetings and he didn't believe in God he didn't believe in a higher power he was 8 years and he was able to recover as well so you don't have to believe in a higher power or God to have recovery in your life he was a dear friend and one thing did he said to me before he died was for me to get sober for crying out loud

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This may sound combative, and I also have never been to aa in Texas, but if you’re unwilling to at least attempt an aa meeting, Bc of religion, then you’re going to have a hard time staying sober anywhere you go.

I’m completely agnostic, and manage to work through aa.

95% of twelve step is simply teaching you how to behave, and practice behaving like a civilized human being. Accountability. Finding humility. Etc.

Whatever you connect most with (music, singing, dancing, nature… a rock) can be you’re higher power. It is whatever you decide! It’s your own recovery! :blue_heart:

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